Disk Players
The apex of the 3 new Sumiko Oyster series cartridges , Moonstone is dressed to impress. Further reducing moving-mass & output and topped off with the listen-tested 0.3 x 0.7mil elliptical diamond, Moonstone transcribes sonic imagery with weight, richness, depth & sparkle. Texture is keenly realistic. The sonic image is suspended and well-controlled over a nearly-absent noise floor, providing fantastic clarity without etch nor confusion. Compatible with MM preamps and the vast majority of tonearms out there, Moonstone is a must-have for audiophiles on a budget.
Designed for discerning, value-minded audiophiles, Rainier, Olympia & Moonstone supplement & complement our existing range of Oysters. They build upon, enhance & refine the sonic character that listeners worldwide have enjoyed for decades. New innovation in cartridge design addresses the problem of resonance — the things that need to happen around a generator to voice a cartridge with honesty. The housing thusly disperses & dissipates resonance, making way for effortless, transparent sonics that are enlivened with intimate nuance. The voicing is true to natural harmonics, space around voices & instruments as well as their attack & decay. Unique to these 3 Oysters (not to mention Amethyst), experience a diminutive backdrop that bolsters sonic images with a degree of aptitude reminiscent of moving coil designs.
Mass 6.5g
Output 3.0mV
Recommended Tracking Force 2.0g
Replacement Stylus Unit: Rainier, Olympia or Moonstone RS (Interchangeable)