Disk Players
Sumiko Amethyst makes the Reference cut because simply put, it’s that good. Borrowing from and refining on the resonance-optimized housing of the latest Oyster cartridges (Moonstone, Olympia & Rainier), Sumiko further reduces output to curtail extraneous noise. Topped off with a nude line-contact diamond, the stylus couldn’t be more nimble. Reaching every nook & cranny of your record grooves and handling that information with the utmost grace, Amethyst competes favorably with similarly priced MC designs. It’s shockingly quiet and thus transparent as can be, skillfully tracing even the most complicated passages your LP collection has to offer. Expect effortless dynamic handling, depth and clarity over a black background, impeccably realistic transience and images that leap from your soundstage but remain naturally positioned.
Mass 6.5g
Output 2.5mV
Compliance 12×10-6 cm/dyn @ 100Hz
Recommended Tracking Force 2.0g
Replacement Stylus Unit: Amethyst RS