
NPX 300 Power Supply

The Naim NPX 300 power supply is a serious upgrade from the older HiCap, and if you’re looking to boost your Naim setup, this is the way to go. One of the standout features is its new transformer and DR technology in the power regulators, which really help to deliver a cleaner, more stable power supply. This means less noise in the system, so you’re getting better sound quality across the board. The NPX 300 isn’t just for one specific product; it’s flexible and can be used with several Naim devices, including the 300 and 200 Series, the NDX2, and the NAC-N 272, as long as you have the right cables. 

When you pair the NPX 300 with something like the NAC 332 preamplifier or the NSS streamer, you really start to notice the performance improvements. It’s like the music opens up in a whole new way—the bass becomes deeper and more defined, the mids are richer, and those highs? They’re cleaner and more detailed. Everything just feels more dynamic, giving you that lush, engaging sound that Naim is known for. You’ll be hearing nuances in your favorite tracks that you might have missed before, making your listening experience all the more enjoyable.

And let’s talk about how silent this thing is! The NPX 300 operates quietly, so you’re not getting any of that unwanted noise or interference that can come from lesser power supplies. It’s designed to enhance your whole audio setup, helping to create that immersive experience we all crave. Whether you’re listening to a chill acoustic set or cranking up some classic rock, the NPX 300 really elevates your Naim system to the next level.

The Naim NAC 332 preamp and NSS 333 streamer cannot share a single NDX 300 power supply; they should each use a dedicated NPX 300 power supply for optimal performance, as the 300 series from Naim is designed to allow for separate power supplies for each component to maximize sound quality.

- New transformer with DR technology for cleaner power  
- Compatible with Naim 300 and 200 Series products, NDX2, and NAC-N 272 with specific cables  
- Significantly reduces noise for improved sound quality  
- Enhances performance of NAC 332 preamplifier and NSS streamer
